Tread Lightly!, a U.S.-based nonprofit dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation through stewardship and educational programs, announced Can-Am as its newest Official Partner.
As an Official Partner of Tread Lightly!, Can-Am will support Tread Lightly!’s mission to protect motorized trail access and public lands through stewardship projects and responsible recreation education. Can-Am’s partnership will also fund 12 Tread Lightly! trail improvement projects throughout the state of Utah. In addition to the projects, Can-Am will also donate two Can-Am Defenders to assist in future off-road trail maintenance projects.
“Can-Am has gone above and beyond to further Tread Lightly!’s mission and protect the adventure for off-road trail users,” said Matt Caldwell, Executive Director of Tread Lightly!. “We cannot thank the Can-Am team enough for its commitment to improving off-roading opportunities in Utah through these projects and beyond.”

Through its Responsible Rider initiative, Can-Am has been promoting responsible riding to protect the environment, teach trail etiquette and teach riders about proper safety techniques and gear.
“Protecting our trails for future generations and ensuring the sustainability of our sport is important to us at Can-Am Off-Road,” said Julie Tourville, Director, Global Marketing, Can-Am Off-Road at BRP. “We proudly support Tread Lightly! and its mission to conserve trails. We look forward to doing our part to improve Utah’s trails and giving back to the community.”
For more information on Can-Am, visit their website. Be sure to visit Tread Lightly!'s website for all the latest information on trail clean-ups.